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3 Ways Relationships Impact Your Spiritual Health

Why Relationships Matter: Part 3

Your relationships matter because they have a large influence over your personal health. We have talked about how they affect your mental health and physical health. I now want to focus on how relationships can impact your SPIRITUAL HEALTH!

As a Christian relationship coach, I have a unique opportunity to work with individuals, couples, and groups to strengthen their relationships AND to grow closer to Christ in the process! I personally believe that spiritual health is just as important as mental and physical wellness. As a believer in the Lord, I value my relationship with Him above all others!


Help to carry your burdens

Living life as a follower of Christ is not an easy path! Remaining faithful and obedient to the commandments can be difficult, especially in times of trial. When the people close to you are willing and able to support you during tough times, it is easier to press forward with unwavering faith.

You will also find that allowing others to help you is a great way to strengthen your relationship with them! Accepting service from someone shows humility and trust. It is an opportunity to bond with them! While it can be difficult, do not let pride get in the way of these chances.

Uplift and encourage you to be your best self

The scriptures warn us against keeping company with those who corrupt our morals (1 Corinthians 15:33). Instead, surround yourself with people who understand your life goals and want you to reach them. A strong relationship is one that allows you to be yourself WHILE encouraging you to be better!

Learn and pray together

We were not meant to walk through this life alone! God wants us to join with other believers to strengthen each other. He commands us to “provoke one another to love and good deeds … not neglecting to meet together … but encouraging one another” (Hebrews 10:24-25, NRSV).

Studying His word in groups is a great way to hear others’ perspectives and to learn from their testimonies! Praying together in joint faith strengthens friendships, marriages, and family relationships.

*Challenge: Ask someone in your life to pray with you today! How did this make you feel? Let me know in the comments below!*

Not everyone is open to these activities, and that is okay! It is not your responsibility to force them into it. If no one in your life can join you in study and prayer, I recommend finding a local church group or an online community to support you in your faith.


Your Personal Relationship with the Lord is Your Responsibility

It is important to recognize the role the people around you play in your spiritual health. However, this is not an excuse to neglect your faith! It is ultimately up to you to build your personal connection with the Savior. One way to do this is to seek and maintain relationships with people who share your values and support your faith. If this seems daunting to you, try some of the following ideas:

  • Pray for the Lord to guide you to the right people

  • Find a local church group to study with

  • Volunteer in your community

  • Follow uplifting social media accounts

  • Reach out to old friends to see how they are doing

  • Stay off your phone in public - be aware of the people around you!


How do the people in your life bring you closer to God? Let me know in the comments!

I will soon be announcing a very special event that is both FREE and online! I am so excited to share it with you! Subscribe to the blog so you don’t miss it. Follow me on social media for even more uplifting relationship tips and future surprises! If you have questions about relationship coaching and how I can help you, let me know in the message box below.

May the Lord bless you,



Hi, I'm Sierra!

I became a Christian Relationship Coach after earning a degree in Marriage & Family Studies and becoming a certified life coach. My ultimate goal is to help others find happiness and peace in their relationships through Jesus Christ!

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