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What is relationship coaching?

In yesterday's post, I told you a little bit about who I am and why I became a relationship coach. Today, I am going to explain what that means!

The title of the post with an image of a woman shrugging
A "coach" is someone who trains, teaches, and prepares a person or group.

I like to think of how the term applies in football (go Packers!). The team's coach works with them long before they start playing games. He leads them in drills, teaches them different tools and techniques, motivates them to get in shape, and works with them to formulate plays and strategies. Come game time, his team should be as prepared as possible!

Football lying on a football field

But once game day arrives, the outcome is no longer in the coach's hands. It comes down to the players. How hard did they train? Do they know the plays? Can they make snap decisions on the field? Have they put in the effort to become the best player they can be?

Relationship coaching is a similar concept. I meet regularly with individuals or small groups to train. We establish goals, discuss potential obstacles, and learn tools that can help strengthen their relationships. I motivate and encourage them to be the best they can be! Between our sessions, however, the game is in their hands. They decide how to use what they have learned. They choose how hard they are going to go after the goals we set.


Who can benefit from working with a relationship coach?

Anyone interested in finding more fulfillment and joy in their life can benefit from working with a relationship coach, even you! Especially you!! The simple fact that you are taking time out of your day to read this post means that you value the people in your life and your connections with them!

Sometimes we get into what I call a "relationship rut." We care about our connection with the person in question, but aren't sure how to improve the situation. When in a rut, it is easy to blame the other person and refuse to put in any more effort. This may make us feel better, but it ends up deepening the rut. The best course of action is to turn to someone who can help!

When in a relationship rut, it is easy to blame the other person and refuse to put in any more effort. This may make us feel better, but it ends up deepening the rut.

Services I Offer as a Coach

  • One-on-one coaching sessions

  • Couple coaching sessions

  • Parent-child coaching sessions

  • Family coaching sessions

  • Group coaching sessions

  • Support groups

  • Workshops

  • Printable worksheets, calendars, books, etc.

Message me for a FREE consultation if you think any of these services could be beneficial to you!

*Please note: Everything I do is online or over the phone! This allows me to work with clients from all over and to be flexible enough to meet your needs.


Coaching is NOT therapy! I am not a licensed therapist or counselor. I will not be digging into your past or trying to fix what is wrong with you. As a coach, I will help you go from good to better and from better to best. I focus on the present and look forward to your future!

As a coaching client, you are responsible for your actions. Your coach will not hold your hand or make decisions for you. You shouldn't want them to! The goal is for you to continue what you learn once your coaching is over. You have to do the work to make changes in your life!


Check out the first post in my 3-part series on why your relationships matter! "4 Ways Your Relationships Can Harm Your Mental Health"

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Hasta luego,



Hi, I'm Sierra!

I became a Christian Relationship Coach after earning a degree in Marriage & Family Studies and becoming a certified life coach. My ultimate goal is to help others find happiness and peace in their relationships through Jesus Christ!

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