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Individual, Couple, & Family Coaching

I offer live, online coaching tailored to you and your needs! Together, we set goals to overcome issues in the relationship(s) of concern and work as a team to achieve them.


This process always starts with a FREE consultation, allowing you to get to know me and how I work. Message me using the contact form at the bottom of the page to schedule yours today! 

Girl Using Laptop

Group Coaching

Group coaching provides an opportunity for individuals and couples struggling with similar issues to learn and grow together! It allows me to work with a small group at once via the internet. Each group is given access to a private Facebook group, weekly online meetings, and tools designed to meet their needs. Follow my social media pages to find out which groups are starting when.

Support Group

Online Events

I occasionally hold online events, such as workshops and classes, to share information and interact with larger groups. My last event was a 3-day workshop on basic relationship skills: mindset, listening, and empathy! Stay tuned for updates on my next event ... 

Video Conference

Book Club

COMING SOON ... I will be starting a Facebook group for those who enjoy reading and discussing self-help books! We will have regular meetings to talk about the wisdom of relationship experts and how their work can help us in our daily lives. Like my Facebook page to be one of the first to know when our book club begins!


Guest Speaking

I am happy to contribute, when I can, to any organization or event working to strengthen human connections! There are few things I enjoy more than sharing my passion for this subject. If you have interest in bringing me on board for your upcoming panel, workshop, podcast episode, etc. contact me using the form at the bottom or the page or email

Public Speaker
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Dear Mother, Dear Son: A 10-Day Journal Challenge


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Dear Mother, Dear Daughter: A 10-Day Journal Challenge


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Developing a Healthy Relationship Mindset


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Listen Like a Pro: A 3-Week Challenge


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