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Welcome to Sierra Lynn Coaching!

Hello there!

I'm Sierra! I am absolutely ecstatic to have this opportunity to help others as a Christian relationship coach! This is the journey of a lifetime. I look forward to sharing what I know and watching you grow and thrive in your relationships!


Fun facts about me:

  • I am from Green Bay, WI

  • Chick-Fil-A is my favorite restaurant

  • I have seen "The Office" at least 5 times

  • I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

I know from experience that our connections with other people can bring us the most acute sadness in life. On the other hand, they can also bring us the most exquisite joy!

My Experience

When it comes to relationships, I have plenty of experience! As the oldest of five children, I have learned what it means to be a daughter and sister. My place in a large extended family taught me about the highs and lows of being a granddaughter, niece, and cousin. Through my work experience, I witnessed the struggles of being an employee and co-worker. As my family moved from place to place, I saw things that make or break friendships. Like most people, I was subjected to the heartache and regret of dating in early adulthood. Fortunately, all of this worked out and, in recent years, I have been learning what it takes to be a wife and in-law. Soon I will take on one of the greatest titles of all: mother!


How I Became a Relationship Coach

I spent years deciding what I wanted to be when I grew up! The only thing I always knew for certain was that I wanted a job that allowed me to work with and serve others. I also knew that I wanted children and would need to balance motherhood with a career. Thankfully, the Lord had a plan that led me to where I am today!

Sierra Lynn graduated in 2020 with a Bachelor's in Marriage & Family Studies

After a lot of soul-searching, prayer, and changing my mind, I finally decided on a Bachelor of Science in Marriage & Family Studies. Thanks to Brigham Young University-Idaho, I was able to finish my degree online regardless of where we lived. It was through this program that I discovered my true passion and talent for listening to and helping others. I have learned that my empathetic nature is not a burden, but a gift from God! I was also taught about the importance of human relationships and the impact they have on our overall happiness.

With my degree complete and a baby on the way, my husband and I agreed that I should take a few years to focus on being a mother and raising our children. I wanted to go on to grad school to become a therapist or a school counselor, but decided that could wait. Once again, the Lord had other plans! Not one month after graduating, I learned about the possibilities of life coaching. Upon realizing I could combine a life coach certification with my degree to help people find happiness in their relationships, I immediately felt called to the work!


Coaching with Christian Values

The decision to base my coaching practice in Jesus Christ was an easy one. My faith is an essential part of my personal relationships! I have witnessed the blessings that come from including the Savior in every part of my life and the peace and joy He brings. I firmly believe that marriages, family relationships, and friendships are stronger when Christ is included in them.

There are many things that set me apart from other life coaches. My focus on human relationships, for example, allows me to laser in on that pivotal aspect of a person's life. The focus on Christ does this even more. I am able to help people grow closer to their loved ones AND to the Savior at the same time! There is nothing better than that!

My ultimate goal is to help others find happiness and peace in their relationships through Jesus Christ.

Check out this post to learn about what a relationship coach actually does and how I can help YOU!

Be sure to subscribe to the blog so that you don't miss anything! Follow me on social media for updates, giveaways, events, products, relationship tips, spiritual thoughts, and more. If there is anything I can do for you, let me know in the message box below!

Until tomorrow,

Signature - Sierra



Hi, I'm Sierra!

I became a Christian Relationship Coach after earning a degree in Marriage & Family Studies and becoming a certified life coach. My ultimate goal is to help others find happiness and peace in their relationships through Jesus Christ!

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