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You Can be BEST FRIENDS with Your Mom! 6 Things I Learned from Mine

Yesterday was my mom’s birthday!!! I love birthdays because they give me a chance to reflect on why the person is so important to me! My mom is one of the most important people in my life - I would be lost without her! I am so blessed to have her.

My relationship with my mom has always been solid, even when I was a teenager. Sure, we argued during the tough, hormonal years, but we always made up. Those experiences brought us closer and I am grateful for them! We bonded over our mutual interests when I was a child and continued to build on that as I grew up. Even now, I call her nearly every day (probably an annoying number of times)!

When I consider why my relationship with my mother is so important to me, I find myself thinking about the many, many things she has taught me throughout my life. I want to share with you 6 of the things I have learned from her.

My hope is that, as you read about my relationship with my mother, you take time to ponder your own relationships.

  • How close are you to your mom?

  • How connected do you feel with your children?

  • Is there something there that needs improvement?


Use your talents to serve others

My mom is INCREDIBLY talented and she is always using those abilities to serve others, especially her family! I can think of countless times when she used her creativity to help me make jaw-dropping school projects (like a volcano cake when I was in 6th grade!). When I was in high school, she spent hours and hours hemming my dresses for dances and adding sleeves to them for me. She also knows how to throw an amazing party! I can’t tell you how many birthday parties, church events, school dances, halloween celebrations, and Christmas get-togethers she has organized.

The moral of this story is that my mother sets an example of Christ-like service. Like the Savior, she uses her God-given skills to uplift those around her. In this way, she brings them closer to the Lord and spreads His light. May we all strive to do this more in our daily lives!

Read books

I grew up listening to the sound of my mother’s voice as she read incredible tales of wisdom and bravery. This was not only time for us to bond, but also opportunities for her to teach life lessons. My favorite thing we read was the “Harry Potter” series. We started when I was young and looked forward to the next book launch! I reread them often as an adult and I think of my mom every time.

Reading with my mom taught me to appreciate the written word. I learned to feel emotions along with the characters, which contributed to my empathetic nature. I learned how to apply what I was reading to my own life by following the examples set by the heroes and avoiding the behaviors demonstrated by the villains. If you are looking to bond with your young children one of my first recommendations would be to read with them!

Try new things

Rarely one to back down from a challenge, my mother taught me to try new things, even if they scare you! She always supports me when I decide I want to try a new activity or hobby. As a child I participated in a variety of sports, took up a few instruments, and entered many competitions like spelling bees, science fairs, public speaking, acting, singing, writing, etc. She stood behind me during every single one, especially if it failed! Her example taught me to overcome my fears and push myself outside of my comfort zone.

Family first

Mom always puts family before herself (sometimes to her detriment - boundaries are important!). She and my father somehow found a way for her to stay home with us kids! In her role as a stay-at-home mother, she sacrificed so much of her time and energy to drive us around, cheer us on at events, chaperone field trips, etc. I have a clear memory of being at softball practice and watching our distinctive blue minivan drive past several times as she took my siblings to and from their activities before I finished mine. This earned her the nickname “Blue Blur” from my coach! I’m sure the errands felt never-ending to her! I don’t think I could ever properly thank her for everything she did and continues to do for the family.

Trust the Lord through life’s twists and turns

My family has moved around a lot! My father has had a number of career changes as he follows God’s path for him. We have also experienced a large number of unexpected life events and trials - too many to detail here! Though each of these twists and turns were difficult, my mom stood firm as the rock for our family. My siblings and I could always rely on her being there for us. She trusted that each change was part of God’s plan and rolled with it as best she could! Her faith is incredible!

You can be best friends with your mom!

It took me longer than I care to admit to realize that my mom has always been my best friend! Even when I was a teenager and thought I was too cool for family stuff, I still told her everything. When I was sick, sad, or stressed, she was the one I turned to most. As an adult, I find myself calling her every time I have anything even slightly new to share. We have developed an amazing bond that I wouldn’t trade for anything!


I am not sharing all of this with you to embarrass my mom, though I know she hates the attention. My goal is to provide evidence that mother/child bonding is not only vital, but possible! It is not easy, but it is worth it!

To celebrate my mother’s special day, I have launched two new self-help products in my Etsy shop!

I created these printable workbooks carefully to promote stronger mother/child relationships. Each day includes prompts and writing space for you and your child to communicate. The prompts are designed to encourage openness, honesty, affection, and trust. You can use these resources over and over again as your child grows up!

For more advice on bonding with your children, come back for tomorrow’s post!


What have you learned from your relationship with your mother? Let me know in the comments!

As always, let me know in the message box below if I can help you to strengthen one of your relationships! Subscribe to my blog so you don’t miss anything I share. Follow me on my social media platforms @sierralynncoaching.




Hi, I'm Sierra!

I became a Christian Relationship Coach after earning a degree in Marriage & Family Studies and becoming a certified life coach. My ultimate goal is to help others find happiness and peace in their relationships through Jesus Christ!

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